
1、Ifyou do what she tellsyou,you won't go far wrong.(你要是按照她说的做,就不会出大差错。)

2、you know about Andy, don'tyou?(你了解安迪,不是吗?)

3、you may come in ifyou wish.(你想进来就进来吧。)

4、you can stay here ifyou like.(如果你愿意的话,你可以呆在这里。)

5、you can remain anonymous ifyou wish.(如果你愿意你可以保持匿名。)

6、you can have whoeveryou like to visityou.(你可以让任何你想见的人拜访你。)

7、you brought this prove it!(你提出了这一指控。你来证明它!)

8、Areyou sureyou should be up?(你肯定你该起床了吗?)

9、What willyou do ifyou fail?(如果你考试失败打算干什么?)

10、Haveyou got any money onyou?(你带钱了没有?)

11、He'll meetyou anywhereyou want.(他会在任何你希望的地点见你。)

12、you know Molly's pissed atyou.(你知道莫莉对你很恼火。)

13、you thinkyou're really hard, don'tyou?(你是不是以为自己真的很勇猛?)

14、you saidyou knew the way.(你说过你知道路的。)

15、you look tired. Haveyou been overworking?(你似乎很疲倦,是不是近来劳累过度了?)

16、you coward! What areyou afraid of?(你这胆小鬼!你怕什么呢?)

17、Whatyou wear speaks volumes aboutyou.(你的穿戴能充分表明你的方方面面。)

18、you can come too, ifyou want.(如果你想来也可以来。)

19、Television deludesyou into thinkingyou have experienced reality, whenyou haven't.(电视诱使你相信你体验到了你实际上并没有体验过的真情实景。)

20、I recognizeyou. Aren'tyou on television?(我认出你来了。你不是常上电视吗?)

21、you can't go—doyou hear me?(你不能走—听清楚了吗?)

22、you haven't sent her away, haveyou?(你还没有把她送走,是吗?)

23、you told him? How didyou dare?(你告诉他了?你竟敢?)

24、you can't takeyour money withyou whenyou go.(你不可能把钱带进棺材。)

25、you must be starving,you poor things.(你们一定是饿坏了,你们这些可怜的家伙。)

26、Why didyou do that,you cretin?(你为什么这样做,你这个傻瓜?)

27、you think I'm chickenshit, don'tyou?(你认为我分文不值?不是吗?)

28、you were great. I didn't knowyou had it inyou.(你真了不起。我不知道你有这本事。)

29、you know about Amanda's baby, don'tyou?(你知道阿曼达的小宝宝吧?)