
1、For the young girls whoyearn to escape these rooms, history is filtered through the lens of fashion.(对于想要逃离这些闺阁的年轻女孩来说,历史被潮流所荡涤。)

2、But Ms Neiman thinks that peopleyearn for a sense of moral purpose.(但是Neiman女士认为人们仍然渴望一种道德感。)

3、People mayyearn for a short, clear way to predict how much warming we are likely to face.(人们渴望得到一个简短明晰的答案气温会上升多少。)

4、We do not always want a faithful representation of reality. Sometimes weyearn for a dream.(我们并不总是需要现实的真实展现,有的时候我们需要的是一个梦。)

5、A few people whoyearn for love bename the tree as "Sweethearts bird".(一些对向往爱情的人将这种树取名为“鸳鸯树”。)

6、Yet we allyearn for that deep connection with others, those moments of bliss, joy, completeness.(然而,我们都渴望与别人深入的交往,渴望那些幸福、快乐、圆满的时刻。)

7、He will never know what it feels like toyearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better.(他永远也体会不到什么是渴望、期待及如何用美好梦想滋养自己的灵魂。)

8、I used toyearn for the typical romantic gestures-poetry, candy, flowers, an unexpected kiss.(曾经的我十分渴望那种典型的浪漫——诗歌、糖果、鲜花和突然的亲吻。)

9、We don't share a bed any more and Iyearn for the day when we can.(我们不再同床而眠,但是我多么渴望有一天我们能够再睡在一起。)

10、They mayyearn for change but they also fear it: although their lives are poor, they are also peaceful.(他们渴望变革,同时也担心改变:虽然他们生活得很困顿,但他们依然平和。)

11、Braziliansyearn for a state that behaves like the servant of its citizens.(巴西人渴望一个像仆人一样对待他们的国家。)

12、Hedge funds mayyearn for more clarity, but these are deductions that would have impressed Dr Watson.(对冲基金渴望能弄得更清楚一些,但是无奈对于石油美元的流向目前只有华生医生式的推理罢了。)

13、There is nothing mysterious about this; in every aspect of life, weyearn for things to be regular and parallel.(这点没有任何神秘的;生活中的每一方面,我们都渴望事物是有规律和对等的。)

14、All of us actuallyyearn for a slow and calm life.(事实上,我们都渴望一个缓慢而平静的生活。)

15、I could see how a girl with gumption like Srey Neth, unschooled and naive, couldyearn to get away.(我能够看出一位像SreyNeth这样有进取心、没上几天学又天真的女孩子,是多么渴望离开。)

16、TOWARDS the end of his 27 years in jail, Nelson Mandela began toyearn for a hotplate.(就在尼尔森·曼德勒27年牢狱生涯行将结束之时,他特别想能有一个电炉。)

17、Young peopleyearn towards communication, understanding and friendship and their hearts are linked together.(青年向往交流、理解和友谊,彼此的心是相通的。)

18、Today, while any idea of inferiority has vanished, many Shanghaineseyearn for a past grandeur.(如今,低人一等的观念已不复存在,很多上海人渴望过去的自豪。)

19、These men long for their freedom, but alsoyearn for what brought them together with their wives in the first place.(这些男人们渴望自由,但是对于最初和妻子的相遇相知,他们依旧充满希冀与想念。)

20、Youyearn to be not merely richer, but richer than your neighbours.(你强烈渴望不仅要变得更有钱,还要比你的邻居更富有。)

21、Every night Iyearn for sleep, I strive for it; yet it flutters on ahead of me like a curtain.(每天晚上我都渴望睡眠,我努力想要睡着,但睡眠像窗帘一样在我面前飘动。)

22、Weyearn for success and towards excellence!(我们向往成功,并正在走向卓越!)

23、Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what weyearn to be.(生活就是一系列与未来之间的碰撞;它不是我们过去曾经是什么的总和,而是我们将来想要成为什么的总和。)

24、Both talk modishly of green jobs andyearn nebulously for Britain to start making things again.(他们对绿色工作侃侃而谈,并对重启制造业抱有朦胧的期望。)