
1、Thezenith of Perugia'sinfluence came with the defeat of Siena in 1358.(1358年击败锡耶纳之后佩鲁贾的影响力达到了顶峰。)

2、"It also tells me, however, that we are reaching azenith and that soon the public will tire of police procedurals," he writes in an E-mail.(然而,它也告诉了我,罪案片即将到达顶点,公众将对警察那一套感到厌烦。)

3、His career is now at itszenith.(他的事业现在正处于巅峰时期。)

4、In April,zenith Optimedia expected advertising spending in North America to shrink by 1.5% in 2010.(4月,实力传播集团预计:2010年,北美的广告开支将减少1.5%。)

5、The sun rises, reaches itszenith and sets.(太阳升起,达到最高点,然后落下。)

6、The Age of the Pyramids reached itszenith at Giza in 2575-2150 B.C..(这些金字塔最早建造于公元2575-2150年的Giza平原。)

7、The day was glorious, the sun climbing toward itszenith, moths and butterflies spangling the flower gardens, the breeze sweetened with a scent of the South.(那天天气非常好,太阳升到了最高点,花园里的蝴蝶波光闪亮,轻柔的微风中充溢着南方的气息。)

8、During this period, the art of embroidery came to itszenith and reputed workers popped up.(在此期间,刺绣艺术达到了顶峰,并被誉为工人弹出。)

9、In many fields (music, literature) elite performers need 20 or 30 years' experience before hitting theirzenith.(在许多领域(音乐、文学),精英们需要二三十年的经验才能到达他们的顶峰。)

10、The sun was in itszenith and the wind had ceased.(太阳已升到了当空,风也停了。)

11、To be the champion of the Olympic Games was thezenith of his glory.(在奥运会上获得冠军是他荣耀的顶峰。)

12、With the Sun at thezenith of your chart, your reputation will be on the rise, and your professional duties will go smoothly.(由于星图中太阳运行到天顶,你的名声将流传开来,同时你工作也会比较顺利。)

13、On July 19thzenith Optimedia, a big advertising agency, sharply upgraded its influential annual forecast of AD spending.(7月19日大型广告公司zenithOptimedia显著地提高了其广告支出的年度预算。)

14、The truss is widely used in the exhibition space,zenith display wall, display platform, skeleton, gate and special decoration.(桁架,广泛用于展览会空间天顶、展示墙、展示平台、骨架、门楼以及特殊装饰。)

15、One important way the Polynesians had for orienting themselves was by usingzenith stars.(波利尼西亚人确定方位的一个重要方法是通过天顶星。)

16、The Dutch art market, at itszenith, collapsed.(荷兰的艺术市场在最高峰时崩溃了。)

17、In his journey there was no appearance of flight, but he was fleeing, and four days afterward he was on thezenith train.(一路上并没有赶忙的表现,但是他归心似箭,四天之后,他已坐在去泽尼斯的火车上。)

18、Of 81 piers round the British coast at theirzenith, in 1908, 26 have gone.(在1908年的鼎盛时期英国海岸曾遍布着大小栈桥81座,而今其中的26座已成为了历史。)

19、There is none:zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics in July. foreign-made.(现在一家也没有了:zenith于当年7月被韩国LG电器公司收购。)

20、That culture reached itszenith during the tenth to 16th centuries, when the Rapa Nui carved and erected some 900 moai across the island.(这种文化在十世纪到十六世纪达到了顶峰,当拉帕努伊人在岛上雕刻和竖立起了900个摩埃巨石像时。)